ACCA has a global reputation for producing professionally qualified accountants of the highest caliber. It offers certification for those who wish to become accountants, auditors and financial managers. At Oshwal College you will develop a range of skills and knowledge which will enable you to work in any aspect of finance, creating a world of opportunities for your future.
For more information, visit ACCA Website Student Section
ACCA UK Contact Details:
ACCA Connect
110 Queen Street
Glasgow G1 3BX
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 141 582 2000
Click here to Get ACCA help and support
Association Of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) Brochure (6951 downloads )Student Registration is open to candidates who have any of the following qualifications:
Students holding University Degrees are eligible for exemptions
ACCA exemptions are subject to confirmation by ACCA.
Students progress through three elements of the ACCA Qualification on their journey to ACCA membership:
ACCA Exams Level
Applied Knowledge
The Applied Knowledge modules provide students with a broad introduction to the world of finance and develop essential understandings and techniques in accounting. These modules are:
Applied Skills
The Applied Skills modules build on existing knowledge and understanding and develop strong, broad, and practical finance skills required of future strategic professional accountants in any sector or industry. These modules are:
(Optional BSc in Applied Accounting, Oxford Brookes University)
Oxford Brookes University of the U.K., founded in 1865, has an international reputation for quality. It awards B.Sc. in Applied Accounting degrees to ACCA finalists upon completion of a project. The ACCA student is awarded this degree while studying ACCA in his or her own country.
Strategic Professional
The Strategic Professional Modules prepare students for future leadership positions. They develop the strategic vision using a unique blend of technical, ethical, and professional skills. Students can specialize in areas that best suit there career ambitions. Students must complete both Essentials exams and choose two of the options. These exams are:
(Optional MSc in Professional Accountancy University of London)
Ethics & Professional Skills
Students are required to complete our Ethics and Professional Skills module which develops in students the complete range of skills that employers told us they need. By introducing students to the full spectrum of advanced ethical and professional skills and exposing them to realistic business situations, students are ready to shine with recruiters and be really credible in the workplace.
Professional Experience Requirement
Being a confident, inspiring and trusted professional comes with experience so to qualify as an ACCA member students must complete 36 months’ relevant work experience and achieve 9 performance objectives.
Your time in a relevant role and performance objectives need to be signed off by your practical experience supervisor. This practical experience requirement lets students put their knowledge learnt through their students into practise, all in a supported and practical environment.
Mode of Study
Full-time courses
Evening Courses
Registration Deadline Dates
June examinations:
December examinations:
Note: ALL Enrolled students are given Study Text Books and Revision Kits from ACCA’s recommended publishers.
This complaint policy relates to the ACCA professional course delivered by Oshwal College. The college has all the rights to amend these terms and conditions where necessary at any time.
Complaints/Concerns shall be addressed and resolved in a 3-step process;
The college will receive and handle learner complaints in an open and receptive manner and will ensure that learners making a complaint will not experience any negative repercussions, directly or indirectly, as a result of lodging a complaint.
Oshwal College maintains reasonable confidentiality with regard to the complaint where it is explicitly requested by the learner
A learner wishing to make a complaint shall submit a formal written submission to the head of department of Accounting and Finance who will try to resolve the complaint within a period of five working days from the learner making the Complaint. The Head of Department shall provide a formal response to the aggrieved learner.
If the dispute remains unresolved, the learner can submit a written appeal to the Principal, through the Dean of students, detailing the nature of the complaint. The Dean of Students shall present the complaint to the appeal committee which shall consist of:
The Principal/Designate shall chair the Appeals committee meeting. The committee shall examine the appeal, listen to the learner regarding the nature of the appeal and provide a resolution in writing to the learner within 10 working days from the date of the receipt of the appeal.
If the learner is dissatisfied in any way with the Approved Learning Partner (ALP), in this case OSHWAL COLLEGE, and their services, they can report the matter to ACCA. This is only to be done once the learners have exhausted the ALP’s official channels as provided for in the policy to resolve the matter.
If you have exhausted both your learning provider complaint’s process and ACCA’s, you can escalate to the appropriate regulator.
Details of which can be found on #
Got C or C-? You qualify to get our TVETA Accredited Diploma which gives you all the grounding you need in accounting and finance
Foundations in Accountancy are a suite of accountancy awards from ACCA for those wanting to start a career in accounting and finance. If you are a recent school leaver, have no accounting experience or do not have the required academic standard to begin ACCA you should start on the FIA route.
ACCA Foundation In Accountancy (FIA) Brochure (3775 downloads )Entry requirements:
None for students registered for Foundations in Accountancy.
Work experience:
None for those registered for Foundations in Accountancy.
It consists of 3 levels:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Mode of Study
The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination is intended for those students who wish to qualify and work as professional accountants, auditors, finance managers, tax specialists and financial consultants.
Holders of final CPA certificate are eligible for admission to pursue Masters and other higher degrees in reputable universities all over the world.
At Oshwal College you will develop a range of skills and knowledge which will enable you to work in any aspect of finance, creating a world of opportunities for your future.
The CPA Examination is held twice yearly in June and December. The examination is divided into three parts each comprising two sections, making a total of six sections in all. A student may attempt two sections of a part together or separately in the ascending order but before proceeding to the next part, a candidate must pass the lower part.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Initial student registration deadlines
Note: Late registration may be accepted up to one month after the normal closing date on payment of late registration fee, which is an additional 50% of the normal registration fee.
New intakes:
New intakes in the months of January and July every year
Initial student registration deadlines
Note: Late registration may be accepted up to one month after the normal closing date on payment of late registration fee, which is an additional 50% of the normal registration fee.
ACA Training In Kenya
The ICPAK on September 9, 2011 joined hands with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (“ICAEW”) in signing a Memorandum of Understanding that will facilitate recognition of CPA brand within the United Kingdom and the wider network already created by ICAEW.
The ACA is valued and recognised throughout the world in practice, business and government. Holding both the CPA and ACA qualifications is a guarantee of your professional competence and financial intelligence, and gives you the work experience and skills the business world demands. Once you are qualified as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant, you are entitled to use the prestigious letters, ACA, after your name. The ACA from ICAEW is your passport to a successful career anywhere in the world.
Oshwal College is accredited as a tuition provider for the Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA) qualification administered by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). The college offers BTEC Business, BTEC IT, ACCA, ABE.
Who can study the ACA- ICAEW PROGRAMME?
Register with ICAEW
How is the ACA structured?
The ACA is a combination of exams, practical work experience, professional development and ethics training.
Members of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) qualify for credits for prior learning for the first 12 of the ACA’s 15 exam modules.
This means to qualify as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant, ICPAK members need to:
Why ACA for ICPAK members?
The ACA Programme – For ICPAK MEMBER
Advanced Level only
New intakes:
New intakes in the months of January and July every year
Credit for prior learning
Currently ICPAK members are exempt from paying credit for prior learning (CPL) fees. This offer is available for a limited period of time.
Exams and Exam applications
Exams are held in Nairobi. For Advanced Level exams you will book via your online training file. Admission details for your exam will be listed immediately after booking in the application summary page of your online training file.
The CFA Institute is best known for developing and administering The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) ® curriculum and exams and issuing the CFA charter. Established in 1962, the program sets the global standard for investment knowledge, standards and ethics.
One is eligible to earn the credential after passing a series of three sequential, six hour exams over at least two years, working as an investment professional for a minimum of 3 to 4 years and committing to abide by the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. The CFA Institute of USA., established in 1962 has an international reputation for setting the highest standards of ethics and professional excellence.
The program’s professional conduct requirements demand that both CFA candidates and charter holders adhere to the highest standards of ethical responsibility. Upholding ethical standards are as much part of holding the CFA designation as passing the examinations.
Available in Physical classes/ Online classes and distance Learning.
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Brochure (5498 downloads )A student must have:
To register for the course at Oshwal College, all interested students should bring the following:
CFA Examination Registration
The CFA programs curriculum reflects a body of knowledge that is grounded in practice and maintains current relevance through a regular, extensive survey of practicing CFA charter holders. This Candidate Body of Knowledge consists of 10 general topic areas that provide a framework for making investment decisions.
Topic areas for CFA examinations
Total of 10 topic areas are grouped into 4 functional areas:
The CFA examinations have always focused on testing investment tools at Level 1, asset valuation (security analysis) at Level II, and portfolio management at Level III. This structure is the logical progression of the investment progress: A practitioner needs to master investment tools to apply those tools to security valuation, and securities need to be valued and then analyzed in a risk-return port-folio context. Because integrity must be exercised throughout the investment process, CFA Institute has emphasized ethical and professional standards at each level.
New intakes:
New intakes in the months of January and July every year
The Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) is the chartered professional body of choice for professionals in the securities and investment industry in the UK and in a growing number of major financial centers globally.
KCSE and its equivalents
Appropriate level of English Language
The CISI course is offered in three modules
Module 1: Course duration: 1 month
The course mainly focuses on the following Areas:
Module 2: Course duration: 1 Month
Syllabus areas:
Module 3: Course duration: 1 Month
The main syllabus areas in this module are:
New intakes:
New intakes in the months of January and July every year